Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Installing Gutters Critical Tips

Writen by Bill Urell

If you have decided to replace your gutters, your next decision is whether to do it yourself or pay for professional installation. If you decide on installing gutters yourself, there are a few things you should consider before installing them. Decide exactly where the gutters will go before installing them. Many people place gutters in the front and back of their homes. Depending on how much rain an area receives, a person might only have to install gutters on the back of the house.

You most certainly will want to consider the look of the gutters on your house. You may want simple replacement but gutters can also be a decorative accent on your home. Measure carefully how long the back and front of the house is before buying gutters. Installing gutters can be frustrating if the wrong amount and the wrong size is purchased. They will need to be custom cut to fit any poor measurements which can take up valuable time and sap your energy.

There are many different styles of gutters. Be sure to choose the appropriate style for the specific area of the house. If the house is surrounded by trees, then installing gutters that will not trap debris as easily is a smart decision. If the house is not surrounded by trees, then choose gutters that can handle the amount of rainfall an area typically receives. Some gutters are deeper and wider than others. Be sure to purchase gutters that will be able to hold the right amount of water that typically falls in your geographical area. Installing gutters should be done every few years depending on the gutter's condition.

When installing gutters, take the time and effort to make sure you do it properly. If a gutter is not attached securely, it may fall off during a heavy rainstorm. Wind and other weather could also cause the gutter to become loose. This could cause water to build-up and create puddles. A gutter that is attached securely will not be damaged by heavy rain. Gutters should also be attached correctly and should not bend or be attached at an angle. This will not allow the water to flow freely through the gutter. If a person is not able to install gutters themselves, there are many companies that can. These gutters should come with a guarantee. This will help if the gutters are damaged during a heavy rainstorm.

The number one enemy of your house is water, and gutters are a first line of defense.

Now there is a gallery of powerful information yours for the taking. Decide now to improve the quality of your life. Click here: Installing Gutters

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Flower Drying Game Part 3 An Affordable Home Flowerpress

Writen by Fred Davis

We've finally reached the end of this 3-part series on drying flowers. If you've gotten this far, you probably already know that small, home-style, do-it-yourself flower presses can be purchased in places like craft stores, well-stocked gift shops, and even some of the big ol' box stores have been known to carry a few now and again. I've seen the lot...mostly made in some far-distant third-world country, then shipped over here to be sold for a good deal more than they should.

A flower press is really a handy gadget for the craftsperson. It is not only fun to dry and press your can be profitable as well. Our daughter, for example, earned a tidy after-school-spare-time sum making perfectly charming pressed-flower bookmarks that were accepted and marketed in a very nice craft shop. Imagine making your own personalized, laminated and delightfully-charming bookmarks for gifts to friends and relatives. Leaded-glass crafters also employ pressed flowers with good effect in their often jewel-like creations.

Quite literally, anyone with the most basic hand tools—or who has a friend or neighbor with a hand-saw and light-duty drill. The one detailed throughout this article cost a grand total of 88-cents (for the four bolts with wing-nuts and washers) so, you see, this is not an expensive project! A link to pictures of the process appears at the end of this article.

First, locate some scrap pieces of quarter-inch plywood, Masonite or paneling. You'll need three pieces. Color, wood type or finish really doesn't matter. Old, no-longer-used clipboards would be a perfect source. Most basements, attics, garages or barns have stashes of too-nice-to-throw-away wood scraps. Poke around.

Your finished product can be practically any reasonable size—this one will be 5-1/2" by 7" when it's done, but that could vary according to your needs. Don't be fussy about precise measurements-as long as all three pieces are the same size and shape. Most of the flowers you'll be pressing will be fairly small, so there's no point in making one that's jumbo-size.

Cut (or have them cut) to what you think is an appropriate size, then carefully—thoroughly—sand with medium- and then fine-grit sandpaper to remove all rough edges. Splinters can be an uncomfortable reminder if you skip this step. Smooth edges and surfaces will be much better to paint or decorate later on. Now stack all three pieces together and snap 4 or 5 rubber bands around them to hold them in place. Using either a hand or electric drill, drill a 1/4-inch hole about 1/2-inch in from each corner. Hold the drill as close to perpendicular as possible, and drill through all three pieces at the same time, making certain that nothing "slips" in the process, so all the holes line up. I like to file or sand a notch along one edge of all three boards at this point so it's easier to line up the holes when it comes time to actually pressing some blossoms.

Once the holes are done, go back with your sandpaper and smooth-up the rough edges of each hole to remove slivers and "hanging-chads" (sorry, I just had to get that in!). So much for the fun part.

Somewhere in that basement, garage or barn must be some cardboard boxes just waiting for a need to arise. If not, try your local grocery, hardware or appliance store—they'll be happy to let you poke through their recyclables. Use one of the wooden pieces to measure out and mark about a dozen same-size pieces of cardboard and, with either a stout pair of scissors, a yard stick and a craft-knife (being careful not to slice a chunk out of your knee or thumb), or a paper cutter, cut them out. Neatness counts...and be careful you don't slice into the carpet or dining room table.

Do the same thing with about 25 or 30 same-size sheets of newsprint. "Newsprint" is what the daily paper is printed on. Most craft or art supply stores have tablets of blank newsprint that artists sometimes use as sketch pads. You might check with your local daily or weekly newspaper print shop... quite often they'll have what they call butt-ends—leftovers from once-massive rolls of paper that're now too short to put back onto the press. Shouldn't cost more than a dollar or so a pound - and a pound will go a long way. They might even just give you a handful. Most newspaper pressmen will run a few blank-and-folded copies before they begin applying ink, just to make sure everything's lined up. Those blank newspapers all go into a really big recycling bin. No harm in asking!

I prefer newsprint because fragile dried flowers aren't likely to stick to it because the modern type has a hard surface. Copier paper, on the other hand, is more porous - rough - and delicate petals can hang up in the texture.

Now comes an important step. Remember the holes you drilled in the corners for the bolts? The corners of both the cardboard and newsprint need to be trimmed off to accommodate the hardware. Of course, it should go without saying, but here it comes anyway: be real careful with those scissors! Yes, surgeons can sew fingertips back on, but the process leaves quite a scar—more than a few of us know that from personal experience.

All that's left is to make a trip to your local hardware store and purchase four 4-inch-long, 1/8" bolts (a little smaller or a bit larger doesn't matter - as long as they're long enough), 4 wing-nuts (you can tighten them with your fingers instead of having to use a wrench or pliers) and 8 appropriately-sized washers.

Now What? Easy as pie! The ideal flower to press is one that has very little lumpy-bulk. You wouldn't have much luck, for example, with a rose, daffodil, begonia or cluster of geranium flowers. On the other hand, among the very best are the pansies and violas. Violets, individual florets of geranium and hydrangea seem to be made for pressing. There are many others equally suited to the technique... and don't forget little bits of grass seed heads, small ferns and colorful or interestingly shaped leaves. Let your imagination soar.

Here's how:

* Slip a washer on each of the four bolts, and slide them through the four holes of one piece of wood. Lay it on a table with the threaded ends of the bolts point up toward the ceiling.

* Place one sheet of trimmed cardboard, followed by one sheet of newsprint flat on that piece of wood...between the bolts.

* Now position your flowers so they don't touch each for bent petals or anything that looks unnatural.

* Gently place a sheet of newsprint on top of them, followed by another piece of cardboard. Drop in another sheet of newsprint...ready for your next layer of flowers.

* Continue building up-cardboard, newsprint, flowers, newsprint, cardboard, etc., until you've reached about half-way.

* Now gently slide a second piece of wood down over the bolts as a rigid, central reinforcement, and continue building layer upon layer until all 12 pieces of cardboard have been used.

* Finally, slide the last piece of wood over the bolts, slip a washer on each, and spin on the wing nuts until they're snug. It might help at this point to press down on the center of the stack with the heel of your hand while continuing to tighten the nuts.

The purpose here is to gently flatten the flowers...but not crush all the corrugations out of the cardboard. Done? Ok. Mow it's time for patience—and dreaming about what you're going to do with your pressed flowers. Place your press with its precious cargo in a dry, room-temperature spot with some air circulation. Keep it away from excessive heat and high humidity...and keep your shirt on.

Because the cardboard has corrugations, air is allowed to move through each of those little "tunnels", evaporating any moisture that's drawn from the flowers by the dry spacing materials. And because the process is really quite rapid, very nearly all of the original flower color is retained.

How long? For very small or light-weight flowers with little moisture, 2 or 3 days is usually sufficient. Thicker petals may take a bit longer. Gently loosen all four wing nuts, remove the first layer of wood and very carefully lift the newsprint by the corner and "peek" at the flowers. If they're dry, you'll know it immediately—they'll lift off easily and, if you're not careful, may blow of the table with the slightest breeze. If they seem to "stick" to the paper, gently put the whole thing back together and wait another couple of days.

So, what do you do now? We started out using clear, adhesive vinyl sold as shelf-paper. Later, we purchased a plastic laminator at Staples for just under $100. Most copy-shops ("Quick-Prints") have laminators and will be happy to seal just about anything you bring in that'll fit into their machine. Some of these big machines use a hot-process...some cold. I personally don't think it matters. I know some industrious crafters who use the same plastic-sealing pouches (Staples, again) and a dry clothing iron set just a little shy of the hottest setting. A very flat surface and a sheet of stiff, smooth paper on either side should do the trick. If it were me, I'd try it a couple of times before wading in with my very nicest pressed flower specimens!

Finally, don't forget to look at photos of this process using the link, below. When you get there, click on each photo to see a closer view. Enjoy! And why not share your pressed-flower bookmarks with a book-lover or shut-in. They will be appreciated!

You'll find pictures of flower press parts and assembly at, and view the list of Fred's other articles at:

Fred Davis is a Master Gardener, Master Composter, lecturer, and long-time nurseryman. He and his wife, Linda, own and operate a popular perennial nursery in Palermo, Maine, and maintain a no-frills gardening information website at: where you'll find answers to your gardening questions.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Landscaping A Recreational Activity For Kids

Writen by Bill McRea

The patio, the garden and the front yard are usually landscaped to make the house look better and inviting to visitors. Landscaping, aside from being a decoration, can also be an alternative recreational activity for kids.

Here are some suggestions to make landscaping a form of recreational activity for children:

1. Landscaping is a family activity. It may be used to spend time with the family and a way to bond together. The time may be used to motivate kids to learn gardening. Kids will be very productive as they help in removing weeds and watering the plants.

2. An area may also be allotted in the garden as the kids' play place. They can decorate the place and put their toys in the playground. The playground can add design to the landscaped garden and make the place welcoming to the kids.

3. Landscaping a garden may be a way to communicate with kids the importance of taking care of plants. While gardening, a parent can show how to take care of living things like plants and butterflies. This is one way to educate them and prepare them in becoming responsible individuals.

4. The children may make use of the landscaped garden as their play area. This will benefit parents since they can spend time in the garden and watch their children at the same time. This is an effective way to spend quality time with children rather than doing the gardening by yourself.

5. Parents can also motivate their children to start a garden of their own. They should be encouraged to plant in flowerbeds and small pots. This will also help parents in organizing the garden while the children are enjoying their time.

6. Landscaping may also be a way to discover any skills the children have with plants and their passion for nature. Kids may find out that enjoy the spending time in the garden and may make landscaping their hobby. Landscaping as a hobby for children will prepare them for exploring their talents, passion and love of nature.

Landscaping is not limited to older people. It is also for kids and young teens. Parents should be creative in introducing this new alternative way of spending time and having fun at the same time. Kids will enjoy this new activity as they will be able to discover new things.

Bill McRea is the publisher of Garden Facts and the Article Directory. Landscaping and Gardening with information on thousands of topics.

7 Tips On Positioning Your Indoor Pot Plants From A South African Perspective

Writen by Andrew Smit

There are very few places is a home where pot plants will not grow. It must be remembered, however, that not every position will suit all plants. Indoor plants fall into three somewhat loose categories: those that have low, moderate or high light requirements. If you have identified a place in your home that you would like to liven up with plants, first assess how much ambient light there is. You can then do a little research into what plant type might best suit the desired space. Remember you can always supplement the available light with artificial light. This is especially useful in winter to keep plants healthy. Specialised grow lights are available from most large supermarkets or hardware stores.

1. Most indoor plants, even if they need bright light, do not tolerate direct sunlight, especially midday or afternoon light.

2. Flowering plants generally need more light than plants grown for their foliage.

3. Short-day plants like poinsettias and chrysanthemums have very specific light requirements if you want them to re-flower

4. The light intensity rapidly decreases the further away you move from the source i.e. a window. For example the light 2,5m from a window is about 5 percent of that on the window sill.

5. If you have a rather dark corner that needs brightening, do not be discouraged. There are many plants that do well without much light.

6. Do not suddenly move a plant from a dull to a bright position, but gradually accustom it to stronger light.

7. In summer net curtains help to diffuse the light. where you will find Global solutions and ideas.

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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Mower Maintenance For A Perfect Lawn

Writen by David Chandler

Growing and maintaining a lush green lawn takes care and the right equipment. The right lawn mover for your landscape and proper maintenance of your equipment will ensure a nice even lawn. A good lawn mower should cut the grass and not tear or rip it out.

The first thing to consider when purchasing a lawn mover is your landscape. Is your lawn on a slope or flat ground? What type of mower can get the job done with the least amount of effort? Another factor is how easy the mower is to maintain for peak performance.

If you have to cut grass on a slope, the best type of lawn mower is one with high wheels. This will make it easier to push up a hill, or to move back down the hill with. The second type of lawn mower is a cordless or electric mulching lawn mower. The mulching mower is less messy and mulches your lawn. The third type of lawn mower is a reel lawn mower. Reel lawnmowers are environmental friendly, not contributing to pollution and are easy to use.

After deciding on the type of lawn mower to purchase, review the maintenance schedule. A good maintenance program will allow your mower to last for years to come and give your grass a better cut. Every spring, the different parts of the lawnmower should be cleaned or repaired. Spark plugs should be cleaned or replaced for good firing and nuts and bolts should be checked and tightened where necessary.

The underside decking should be cleaned throughout the season to remove build up of grass and dirt. Cleaning the grass and dirt will also help in preventing the spread of diseases in grass. In order to clean the deck of the lawnmower, you should first empty the gas tank and make sure that the spark plug is not connected. You can then stand the mower up on its side and spray the mower with water. You can then scrub off the rest of the dirt and grass that is stuck on the mower. Make sure to dry the mower after you have finished rinsing it off, to make sure that none of the parts rust.

Your maintenance should also include checking the oil and air filters. The air filters should be cleaned or replaced on a regular basis. Before removing the filter to replace, make sure that you know whether it is paper or foam. The oil in your lawn mower lubricates the engine. Be sure you read the operating instructions on the type and amount of oil your mower uses.

Another important part of maintenance is sharpening the blades every one or two months, depending on use. Sharp blades ensure a clean cut rather than ripping out the grass. This can be easily done by removing the blade from the mower and sharpening it with a file.

When mowing season is over, there are certain steps to properly store your lawn mower for the winter. It is advisable to remove the oil and gas, and clean the exterior.

With consistent and proper care of your lawnmower, you will be able to keep your lawn looking great through the seasons and years, and your mower will last for years too.

For more information about lawn mowers and your lawn, visit Lawn Mowers and Lawn