Thursday, May 8, 2008

Planting Bulbs Part 1 Soil Preparation Fertilizing

Writen by Bill Prudehome

With fall on the way, it is time to consider planting bulb flowers that we want for spring blooming. Bulbs are one of the best flower investments for the cost, properly cared for they will provide spring color in your garden for years.

The planting of hardy spring flowering bulbs is best accomplished in the fall months. You can plant most bulbs as long as the ground has not frozen.

Soil Preparation

As with most garden flowers it is important to prepare the soil correctly prior to planting. Making sure that the soil drains well is very important, as most bulbs are prone to rot if the soil is to wet. Soils that are high in clay can be adjusted by adding organic material such as peat moss or compost. Work the organic material into the soil to a minimum of 12 inches below the surface.


Phosphorus should be mixed into the soil to enhance root development. Use a superphosphate or bonemeal mixed into the soil below the bulb, about 8 to 10 inches deep as this is the location of where the roots will be and where the fertilizer will be absorbed. Then apply a small layer of soil above the fertilized soil so that the bulb is not in direct contact with the fertilizer. Note: If you have small burrowing animals on your property, such as gophers or chipmunks use superphosphate as bonemeal will attract the animals to the bulbs.

If you do not remove your bulbs after flowering then it is important to continue fertilization. For spring flowering bulbs - in the spring (as soon as the shoot is visible) and in the fall, for every ten square feet of garden, create a mixture of two cups of superphosphate combined with five tablespoons of 10-10-10 soluble fertilizer. To avoid bulb rot do not add fertilizer to bulbs once they have started to flower.

For bulbs that flower in the summer and fall – as soon as the plant is visible commence fertilizing monthly until the plants start to flower. Use seven tablespoons of 10-10-10 soluble fertilizer over a twenty square foot garden area.

The soil pH range should be tested to determine if lime is needed to reduce the acidity of the soil. The correct pH range for bulbs is 6 to 7. An acid soil will be detrimental to hardy blooms.

For additional information on Planting Bulbs

Part 2 – Planting Location, Planting Depth;

Part 3 – Watering, Removing Foliage;

Part 4 – Staking, Mulching, Storing;

For additional information on gardening and landscaping or other home renovation projects, visit Renovation Headquarters.