Monday, June 16, 2008

Using Push Reel Mowers

Writen by Jeff Boyd

If you're not familiar with push reel mowers or if you haven't used one since "back in the day", there are a few points you should be aware of before using a push reel mower:

  • Don't expect to cut tall weeds or dandelions. You notice how your gas-powered mowers get a little "overwhelmed" when cutting weeds or very tall grass? Those issues are a bit worse with reel mowers because they become harder to push and they are limited in the height of what they can cut. When cutting with a power mower, you can tilt the mower in order to access hard-to-cut areas. That's not so with a reel mower, you can only cut grass below the cutting height bar.
  • Don't cut wet grass. The wheels need traction in order to move the blades and if the wheels are slipping, especially if you're cutting taller grass or weeds, the mowing becomes that much more difficult.

So, in order to get the best use from your push reel mower, make sure you do the following:

  • Keep your grass cut often enough so that it's manageable and easier to cut using the reel mower.
  • Maintain a steady pace while cutting. If you keep pushing, stopping, then pushing again, it makes it more difficult to cut.
  • Insure the area to be cut is free from "harsh" debris, such as rocks, thick branches, and of course: pet waste.
  • When using the optional grass/leaf catcher, empty it often enough that pushing the mower doesn't become unmanageable.

Jeff Boyd is the Owner of, a supplier of Push Reel Mowers and accessories for the environmentally-conscious and health-conscious consumer.