Saturday, July 19, 2008

Abatement And Coping With Challenges In The Environment

Writen by Lance Winslow

So often we find problems with our eco-system where something is out of wack and we attempt to alleviate the problem thru abatement. Generally such plans if well thought out make sense, however sometimes the laws of unintended consequences come forth and a worse problem is created you see?

This further challenges us in our Abatement Programs and plans and it is not easy coping with such complex problems and challenges in the Environment. If you use Mosquito abatement and the bats eat the poisoned mosquitoes then the bats can get sick and die and then they do not eat all the other bugs so then you have to use more pesticides which can be bad for the produce and the run off from the fields, orchards, vineyards and such gets into the streams, rivers and lakes.

This causes issues with fish too. It is all part of the same and one over kill or screw can have unintended consequences. Luckily we are learning from all this but not fast enough?

All abatement plans need to be well thought out. If we fail to kill the vector disease carrying mosquitoes we may find ourselves with dead livestock and humans with West Nile Virus, Bird Flu or other very serious issues. So, we must do what we have to do and do it well. But we also think several chess moves ahead. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow