Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Magic Of Gardening

Writen by Daniel Roshard

Gardening is great, and we learn to appreciate not only outstanding gardens when we visit one but also the gardener, who is putting a lot of time and energy into his garden. We are so accustomed to the fact that some people enjoy working in their gardens that we often forget that this is not something that is forced upon them, gardening is an acquired hobby, it takes time and a lot of learning to get to being a gardener and it is not a thing that can be achieved in a short time.

Let us leave aside for a moment the classic gardener that we know and think of, that middle aged, sometimes even older, man or woman that spends a lot of his or her time in the garden manicuring every leaf on every flower and examining the roots of every tree, these are the people who have made their decision about gardening a long time ago.

What makes a gardener, what are the deciding moments for a gardener and how does it start. Most will say that it starts simply by having a garden or a backyard, since most gardeners own a garden they can take care of and it is usually located in their own property, although there are some amateur gardeners that take care of a garden that is not located on their property – most gardeners do own their garden.

The passion for gardening is universal, you will find dedicated gardeners on every spot in the world, and in almost every possible climate, there is someone that is waiting for spring to arrive so he could start planning his garden. The other thing about gardens are that they need careful planning, and it is no wonder that when you meet an experienced gardener and ask what is the firs thing you need to do, the answer will most probably be to plan your garden and make sure you understand what you want to have in it before you start making it so, this way you will guarantee that you can deal with all the potential difficulties that await a beginner.

The amateur gardener will most probably need the basic working tools, a pair or tow of working gloves and a few good books about the flowers and plants that are the ones that are popular in that area, the reason for this modest beginning is very simple, if you start building your own garden you will want to start and enjoy it as soon as you can, and since it is almost certain that you have a lot of work ahead of you, it is only sensible to try and shorten the waiting period as much as possible.

Depending on the size of the garden that you intend to develop it is important that you start working on a relatively small part, making it your testing ground, whatever you will find that works on that part you can then apply to all the other parts of the garden and you will also have the knowledge of how much effort and time it will take. Developing your own garden will than start, and it will probably last you for the rest of your life.

Daniel Roshard is an interior designer fascinated by outdoor architecture, currently studying public parks and outdoor design. Daniel writes articles about home improvement and gardening issues. You can read his latest work about Gardening.