Sunday, June 22, 2008

Abatement Challenges Of Nonnative Noxious Weeds

Writen by Lance Winslow

When crews go out to do weed abatement programs and spraying so often they pick up seeds from the weeds on the undercarriages of their vehicles so where as they think they are helping kill all the weeds with their sprayers of weed abatement; they are actually providing job security to themselves by spreading around existing weeds you see? Not good to say the least, nevertheless the weeds being abated do need to be sprayed.

What is the solution to this problem? Well I propose putting small 3.5 Horse Power Honda Motors running 750-1200 PSI pressure washers on each unit. And I propose that we are careful to make sure they have enough clear water to rinse the undercarriages. I further propose that the undercarriages have shells underneath so the seeds do not stick in any dried on grease, dirt or oil underneath.

Additionally it would make sense that after rinsing the vehicles off that the abatement solution be sprayed onto any puddles left before that vehicle leaves the area. If we fail to do this we are merely kidding ourselves in that we are spreading around the problem and not really solving the problem completely you see? I sincerely hope you will consider this reality check on the abatement challenges of Non-Native Noxious Weeds in 2006.

Lance Winslow