Monday, January 12, 2009

An Introduction To Gardens

Writen by Jimmy Sturo

Man's fascination for gardens dates back to the time of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden. The fascination continues and to this day, a small garden by one's house is the dream of many homeowners. This is especially true of a city dweller. A chance to bring in some nature is what a garden provides to a city dweller. In the recent years people have moved away from nature, with technology and science keeping him indoors most of the time. Gardens are a small attempt by people to reconnect with nature's bounties. City developers have recognized the need for gardens in cities and now plan for them. Green spaces are the lungs of cities. Their value and indispensability has been recognized and they are provided for.

Gardens have the capacity to gratify all our senses. They provide a pleasant sight for the eyes, sweet smelling flowers and fresh plants, fruits tickle our taste buds, birds that nest in their trees provide pleasant sounds for our ears and the fresh breeze blowing through, leaves a pleasant feeling on our skins. It is no wonder that man has always tried to create spaces that bring nature close to him. Examples of such creations abound in every part of the world. The ancient world had created the hanging gardens of Babylon, a true wonder. It was listed among the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

All ancient civilizations had huge gardens. Excavations show their existence. Slowly gardens began to be cultivated specifically for medicinal herbs. The Chelsea Physic Garden in London established in 1673 is one of the earliest known botanical gardens. With time, recreational gardens came into being with royal patronage. Large houses started taking pride in ornamental gardens and the trend continues to this day. Vegetable gardens and fruit orchards slowly became popular. As flowers came to be appreciated a trend of planned cultivation of flowers started. Many 20th century housing estates in Europe and the U.S. saw the advent of miniature landscaped gardens with lawns and flowerbeds. The trend came to stay.

Gardens are cultivated at all levels right from the local administration to the small house owner. Botanical gardens are cultivated and maintained by the local administration to maintain the botanical diversity of a place. Besides conservation of natural balance these gardens serve the cause of science and education too. They are used to nurture plants from other parts of the world and are often associated with university classes pursuing such studies.

Gardens provides detailed information on Gardens, Flower Gardens, Garden Décor, Garden Furniture and more. Gardens is affiliated with Flower Gardening.