Tuesday, September 16, 2008

How To Casting Decorative Concrete

Writen by Delmar Germyn

Here is a short file on making a horse plaque to hang on your barn. Maybe make two and hang them on each side of the door. If these are going to be outdoors use concrete.

You could cast these in plaster if they will not be outdoors.

To get started you should organize your materials. I always get my cement and sand measured out before I start. First fill your mold with water, then pour the water into a measure of some kind. An empty margarine container is Ok for this. This will give you a rough idea how much concrete to mix.

I would use a 3 sand to 1 cement for this, as it brings out detail nicely.

set your mold up in your sandbox. After you have it settled in nicely carefully take it out and coat the inside with whatever you use for a release agent. When you have coated it put it back in the sandbox.

Now mix your concrete adding water to get a "pancake mix" that will pour out of the container. When you are happy with your mix, pour it into the mold. I fill about 'half way and wait 5 minutes or so. This lets any air out. Then I fill to the top.

Let it sit about 15 minutes and then put in your hanger. I put a stick under the hanger so it will not sink. You can take it out when the concrete is cured. Once the hanger is in I cover with a cloth and put a piece of plastic over that.

Now comes the hard part! Waiting! Wait at least 24 -36 hours. If it is cold then 48 would not be to long. You cannot rush this part. I have tried! I have a terrible time with this part. I always want to see how it looks. Do not be like me. You will have a huge pile of useless, broken concrete if you look to soon. Believe me, I know!

After you wait, de mold your casting and keep damp for another week. After that you can let it dry and paint it if you want. If you have a big enough container, fill it with water and put the casting in. This is easier than spraying water on it every day. You could also put it in a plastic bag, that will keep it from drying out. Be sure to store in a cool place, not out in the sun where it will get hot.

Copyright © 2005 Delmar Germyn All Rights Reserved.

Author - Del Germyn Web site http://www.delsmolds.com

My web site is setup to help you and I learn more about molds and casting in general.


Articles on how to mix your concrete, hypertufa, etc for different uses.

Free information on how to make your own molds. Tips and hints on their use and care.

Free information on making and using various types of molds to cast concrete, plaster, cement, ceramics, and molding with hypertufa.

Suggestions for projects that you can do in a couple of hours that will make your yard / garden look great.

All the information on the site is free to use and share.

Click here to go to my site now. http://www.delsmolds.com

I am hoping that when you see what I have (or have not) set out you will send in your tips and stories.

By sharing we can all learn from each other. We can also help newcomers to the hobby / business.

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