Wednesday, September 3, 2008

How To Grow Aubergines Egg Plants

Writen by Terry Blackburn

Growing Egg Plants or Aubergines

The eggplant is a member of the potato and tomato family and it originates from the West Indies. They are not an easy crop to grow but home produced aubergines are so wonderful, having so much more flavour than those bought from the shops that they are well worth growing. The egg shaped fruit can be either white or purple though the purple varieties have the better flavour. They are truly appreciated in many parts of the world but cooked properly they can be enjoyed everywhere; no moussaka dish has quite the authentic taste without this delicious ingredient.


Sow the seeds in trays in John Innes seed compost in February to March at a temperature of 70 to 86 deg F. (21 to 30deg C.). After germination the temperature should be maintained the same. Prick out seedlings when they have developed several leaves into 3 in. (76mm) pots containing John Innes No 1 potting compost, where they will grow on until they are ready to be transferred into larger pots. The February sowing should be ready to transfer in May and these will then go into 7 in. (177mm) pots containing John Innes No 2 potting compost; allow 18 in. (45cm) between each pot. Temperatures can then be gradually reduced to 62 to 70 deg F. (17 to 21 deg. C.) You can use grow bags instead of pots if you wish but one bag can accommodate only two plants.

Planting Out

If the plants are to be transferred outside they will need to be hardened off first therefore the temperature should be gradually decreased. Wait until June before putting them out side, then all chances of frosts should have passed and the days should be warmer.

General Care

Keep the plants well watered; this is particularly imperative during warm weather, as dry conditions especially around the roots encourage the development of blossom end rot. By the time they have reached 16 in. (40cm) tall, they will need to have the growing tip pinched out to make them send out side shoots.

It is likely that the plants will need some support as the weight of the fruit could break the stems; bamboo canes are useful but care must be taken not to tie in the stems too tightly so that they become damaged. As the plants grow, tie the stems to the bamboo sticks with soft, green cotton twine or raffia. Make sure that the twine or raffia is not too tight so that it does not cut into the stem as it grows. The best method is to wrap the twine or raffia twice around the bamboo then put a loop around the stem securing it to the stick with care.

The plants should be given a weekly high-potash liquid feed. A suitable feed to use is one used for tomatoes though it must be given at half the strength. Mist them twice a day to encourage them to set fruit, it will also prevent attacks from red spider mite. For good size fruits, limit the number to a maximum of four per plant. To do this, pinch out all later forming flowers.


Aubergines are usually ready to harvest from August onwards.

Always cut the fruit from the plants never attempt to pull or twist them off as this generally results in them tearing and damaging the plant, take care as there are prickles around the stem of the plant.

Best varieties to try:

'Epic': Tolerant of tobacco mosaic virus, produces early maturing fruit up to 9 in. 23cm long.

'Moneymaker': A good cropper with long elegant fruits.

'Mini Bambino': Good for growing in a container, small in stature reaching about 12 in. (30cm), small fruits.

'Slice-Rite': Large fruits with excellent flavour, suitable only for greenhouse growing.

Terry Blackburn. Internet Marketing Consultant, living in South Shields in the North-East of England. Author and Producer of blog Author of "Your Perfect Lawn," a 90 Page eBook devoted to Lawn Preparation, Lawn Care and Maintenance. Find it at